My father Karl Düssel started in the antiquarian bookshop business in Berlin in the early 1980s and over time built up a good reputation from a flea market dealer and “Kudamm antiquarian” to his renowned antiquarian bookshop at the Gendarmenmarkt.

As an antiquarian, I am interested in purchasing and am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Indien: Johnson´s Hindostan or British India.

Indien: Johnson´s Hindostan or British India.

India: Kalkutta: Johnson´s Hindostan or British India. Kolorierte Lithografie bei Johnson und Ward in New York erschienen. Colour lithograph published by Johnson and Ward in New York, 1864. 31,5 x 42 cm. 35 x 46 cm. Gut erhalten.

Our Price: EUR 100,-- 


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dealer webshop antiquarian Spandauer Vorstadt Schweiz bookshop

Later, until the early 1980s, he had his antiquarian bookshop in Cologne.